Skype for iPhone App Reviews

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Alternative to FaceTime

Its so nice to be able to video message with people that have androids

Ver8.3 much improved

Used current version for the first time today; voice quality much improved over previous version.

Ruining my long distance relationship

The previous version ok Skype was simple, easy to use and seamless, but now we the users have this freak show of an app that is affecting my relationship with my fiancé in the Philippines. It is our only means of communication and now Skype has made it very difficult because of many failed video calls more so than before. Also if I leave my fiancé a video message its only allowing me 20-30 seconds versus 3 minutes from previous version. I also cannot text her on her mobile phone anymore as I used to before. If you care about your customers and the millions of relationships you have affected by doing this update you will return the older version of your application. Read the reviews and please do the right thing.

Dont get any notification at all until I actually open the App

Please fix the problem.

Works great

Works great for me. Good quality.

Skype went from usable to ridiculously unusable

If I could give Skype zero stars, I would. Whoever is in charge of the Skype app should be fired and perhaps the entire team replaced by personnel with common sense. SKYE IS NOW UNUSABLE ... in the updated version: -- takes many more touches and swipes to do even the simplest of tasks -- every feature is counter intuitive and seems to be built to ensure the maximum effort to initiate any task (call, message, etc) -- must be the windows8 team that implemented new Skype ... just take an app and ruin it

Skype is dead

Terrible connection. Discord is much better than Skype. Switching immediately.

Butt Dialing is Trivial - Hanging up is Impossible

Theres a massive button in the top right corner of the screen. All it takes in the slightest motion and Skype will immediately call the person. Hanging up? That button is completely nonfunction. Closed the app because the button wasnt working, but Skype maintained the call. I turned off my phone because I couldnt find any other way to make Skype end the call. Makes me not want to open the app again for fear Ill accidentally call another person and not be able to hang up again. From my family to the Skype family: Go F yourselves. Each and every one of you.

Silly changes in the new version

The app still works but it looks childish. The graphics were updated and consume space with no meaningful benefit.

Hate this update

This new Skype update is bull. It made me get a new Microsoft account with them and it wouldnt recognize my emails or phone number. I lost the conversations Id had stored and all because they want to pick a new design with pretty colors and all this nonsense about how to talk with your friends "easier" or in "better" ways. Not a fan of having to lose my conversations for newer, prettier things.

Skype hates you. Skype wants you to feel pain.

The new outgoing-call ringtone is comically grating and trauma-inducing. If are _placing_ a call, why would you need an ugly, eardrum piercing electric machine noise while waiting? Its aversion therapy. Now, if you want to leave a 2 minute video message, you must press your shaky finger to the screen for that two minutes, nonstop. Have you tried this? It is not a pleasant experience. Skype wants you to have a bad day. Skype hates you.


Skype does not need to be so complicated and have random features that no one uses ever. Keep it simple as it was thats the way people like it. Also you are saying that you are listening to our concerns but you havent fixed anything yet. Fix the technical issues with calls and bring back the old layout that people loved. Otherwise you will continue to have a low rating on your application.


Used to be so easy to use and user friendly. Now its the exact opposite. Calling a number from contacts is a nightmare. Please bring back the old version.


Call quality is too good


For making discord be better by ruining your app. Thank you for making your users switch. Discord has and always will be better however.

Why did you bother?

Just adding more of the same - totally confusing, hard to use, useless added features.... was this version ever tested on real people ? Get real!!!!!

New Skype is horrendous

The new UI for Skype is absolutely horrendous. Why did MS change this to what it currently is! It wasnt broken! Please change back and simply tweak the older version. This will now become a dinosaur app that gets used from time to time and not all of the time.


I had callkit integration disabled yet skype started showing me online. I decided to investigate and when I opened the updated app the reason became apparent — make no mistake, it only looked like an app but in reality it was garbage! The only reasonable thing to do was to delete the app. And so I did. Goodbye skype.

Total fail!

This new version is sooo bad. Cant imagine they thought it was improvement. Can barely place a call.

What happened to calling over 25 participants?

The app was great, until the new updated showed up and Im not able to call over 25?

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